Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School :(

Today I am officially back to working full time. I have had a great summer with Kaylyn! I can't believe how much she has changed and grown this summer. She is a great little girl and I don't think we could ask for anything better. She's my little buddy and I will miss her everyday. I know she is in good hands with Grandma, but I will still count the hours everyday until I get to pick her up!!!

There is only one good thing that comes towards the end of August in our house...Football season!!! Here is our little fan converted already :)


No explantion neccesary.
On the Merry-go-round with Daddy...he doesn't look to sure!

Kaylyn chillin in her stroller with her favorite sunglasses!

Every year for our wedding anniversary we go to the zoo. We started that tradtion our very first anniversary and have made it our special little tradition. This year we got to take Kaylyn on her very first trip to the zoo for our 3rd anniversary!!! Our friends Kenny, Meggin came with us. As well as Kenny's brother Keith and his little boy Ryan who is 5. Even though it was about 100 degrees it was the best trip to date!

Weber State Fireworks


Hanging out with Kelsea

After discovering Kaylyn's love of fireworks we took her to Weber State's annual 24th of July fieworks. We had a picnic with Mike and Kelsea and hung out for a bit before the show began. Kaylyn fell asleep before the show started but woke up to enjoy them!

Fourth Of July

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday. It is the only holiday that I get to drag Jeramie around whether he likes it or not!! :) We went to our friend Kenny's parents house for a BBQ and to watch the fireworks. It was here that we discovered Kaylyn's love of fireworks. We were witnesses to her first laugh that night! I must say it is very cute and hasn't stopped since!!