Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year we spent Christmas in Utah with Jeramie's family. We did get some packages from my family in California and Kaylyn loved them!! Here are some pics from our fun holiday times.

Friday, October 29, 2010

My little Stinker!

It technically isn't Kaylyn's first experience with Halloween. Last year she was just a little too young to fully understand the enjoyment of trick or treating. I am really excited to take her out tomorrow night. I just wanted to post a couple pictures from a trunk or treat party we took her to the other night. I will post some more later this weekend. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We attempted to carve pumpkins with Kaylyn this weekend. It went well for the most part she was really only interested for about 5 minutes. She did try to eat the seeds until we told her no. Eventually she thought it was more fun to color on the newspaper than to dig the seeds out of the pumpkin. Jeramie had the best time of us all! He took over when Kaylyn and I got side tracked and created a really cool pumpkin. I don't have a picture of it for this post, so I will stick it in with the Halloween post.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Over Labor Day weekend we went camping with Jeramie's family. It was Kaylyn's first big camping experience. She loves taking rides on the four wheeler and digging in the dirt...go figure!!


Kaylyn and I got to take a trip to California in August before I had to go back to work. As usual it was a great time and I wish I could see them more. It was also Kaylyn's first experience with the ocean!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


We went out on the lake today for Kim's birthday (Jeramie's sister). It was really officially the first time Kaylyn has been boating and she was a champ! 8 hours on the lake and she enjoyed every minute. My sister Alyse is also visiting and is quite the talent on the water as well. It was a great day and it was nice to spend time as a family!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Zoo pics

Hogle Zoo

It was once again time for our annual anniversary trip to the zoo. This year our friends Chris, Marie and their little girl Rowan went with us. It was really hot but we had a lot of fun. The girls are at the age where they notice the animals and are interested in looking at them.


We go to the Rodeo every summer (its a Utah thing) I never went to one growing up, but they are really fun! This year Kaylyn is old enough to notice the cows and bulls and realize there is yummy food at the rodeo too! It also gives me an excuse to find some cute cowgirl boots for her :)!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Goodbye Tyson

We said goodbye to Tyson, Jeramie's brother who left for his mission to England yesterday. He will be gone for 2 years and we are all very sad to see him go but we know he will be an amazing missionary. These are just some pics that we took at the airport before he left. Kaylyn loves her Uncle Ty and I know they will miss each other very much!

4th of July

This year we celebrated Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we went to our friend Kenny parent's house for a BBQ and fireworks. Sunday we had a pool party BBQ at our house. It was a long weekend but a lot of fun. We have discovered that Kaylyn likes fireworks in the sky but not when they are in the street in front of her! But she definitely loves all the food :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Train Ride

Kaylyn and I rode the Front runner train down to Salt Lake with Jeramie's mom last week. We were going down to meet his sister and look at the proofs for our family pictures. We thought we would make a girl's night out of it. Kaylyn was really excited at first and then all she wanted to do was run around! It took all of my strength and all of Grandma's strength to keep her in our seats. On the way home she was strapped into her car seat. This wasn't that big of a deal because by that time she was exhausted and could relax and enjoy the ride more. We did have a lot of fun and I think Kaylyn really enjoyed it which was the best part.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Growing up!

It seems like everyday Kaylyn is getting bigger and smarter! I can't believe it was only just a year ago that she rolled over for the first time. She really isn't a little baby anymore she is a little girl. I am reminded of her new found freedom and vocabulary everyday. Yesterday we were driving home and I noticed she pulled the ponytail out of her hair. She had the little elastic in her hand and I was afraid it would be in her mouth. I tried to grab it from her and not crash the car at the same time. She thought it was a fun game of keep away. This only became more frustrating for me and I asked her to please give me the rubberband her response was clear as day "NO". Umm...ok I have been dreading this day for a while. Lets just say I wasn't very thrilled I grabbed the rubberband and she is lucky I was in so much shock of what she said. I called Jeramie to tell him and all he could do was laugh. I have a feeling the best of her toddler years a still to come!! She really is a great little girl and I couldn't feel more blessed I can't wait to spend the summer with her!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Treehouse Museum

My friend Marie and I took Kaylyn and her little girl Rowan to the Treehouse museum last weekend. It was a lot of fun but I was exhausted after chasing Kaylyn around for and hour and a half. I think she liked it and it makes me excited to take her there more as she gets bigger and can do more there. Here are some pictures from our day!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010